Super Summer Spectacular Series – 2023

Summer is just about here and the fun is just heating up at Kells Karate Academy!

Our Super Summer Spectacular Series will begin next week, June 19th, with weekly, monthly and end of Summer prizes for attendance in classes. 

For those students that are new to the program: during the summer we try to have a little more FUN during the break from school!  Each time that you attend a karate class, your name will be entered into the drawing for weekly and monthly (family) prizes, such. 

Weekly prizes will be $10 gift certificates to local business (i.e. Dunkin Donuts, Rita’s, etc). Monthly prizes will be fun things, like family games, etc.

The more you come to class the more chances you have to win a prize. You can earn more entries if you take one of the Flat Instructors (download in the members resources page within ZenPlanner) on vacation with you and post on social media.  You can also earn an extra entry ticket by bringing a friend to class with you.

At the end of the summer, we will have a drawing for our Grand Prize: a new iPad!

So see you in class and let’s have FUN this summer!